Mental Health
Met a girl named Aubrey at a Jiffy Lube.
She tried to set me up
with a guy from her church.
Maybe I should have stayed in Texas.
Coulda had a loving spouse,
a large yard and a big nice house,
but I went to the doctor for allergies one day.
He asked me if everything was fine.
I told him that my mom was slowly dying;
I couldn’t get it out of my mind.
My eyes welled up with tears.
He gave me Prozac;
I flushed it down the toilet.
Why am I not allowed to feel
raw emotion?
I don’t want to be baby,
I just want to be someone’s,
(but I’m not ready).
Life slipped by as I was distracted watching
everyone fight. As a child,
our house burned down with all our possessions,
but now I just want to get rid of everything I own;
show that nothing owns me anymore.
I guess if I wanted love,
I shouldn’t have focused on the wrong things.
Shouldn’t have admired the leather sofas on your porch,
shouldn’t have gone off the grid so often,
should have bent over backwards like women do,
should have let you touch me when I didn’t want it.
Go ahead and find someone young,
but you can never come back. They've never not come back.
I just want some peace, maybe some love, too, but that’s too much to ask.
Kind of want to live the simple life, kind of want to take it day by day.
Kind of want to be someone’s girl with flowers in her hair.